No more ticket mismanagement in Biman:New MD vows

Biman Bangladesh Airlines wants to eradicate all kinds of
mismanagement by agents, its new Managing Director and Chief
Executive Officer Jahid Islam Bhuiyan said on Sunday.
“Biman Bangladesh Airlines wants to be 100% free from the
situation of no tickets being available online despite having empty
seats on a flight,” said the Biman MD in an exchange meeting with
journalists after a month of assuming the new responsibility.
“We want to solve the ticket problem completely so that no more
questions arise in the future. That’s why we have already given a
warning to the online travel agencies,” he added.
Earlier in a letter sent to all Passenger Service Agents (PSAs)
recently, Biman expressed concern over agents who are
undercutting or overpricing tickets through their own web portals.
“It has been observed by Biman Bangladesh Airlines that some of
the reputed Biman-approved travel agents are selling and
promoting Biman tickets at prices either lower or higher than the
approved fares on different routes,” reads the letter.
On the issue of its 10-year fleet plan, the MD said,”Biman will be
an airline of 47 fleets by 2034. In the meantime, six aircraft of the
existing 21 fleet will be phased out. So, we have to add 32 new
aircraft by the next decade to achieve the expansion plan.”
Regarding the purchase of aircraft from Airbus and Boeing, he
said, “Discussions with Airbus have taken shape. On the other
hand, there is also a proposal from Boeing. Since our needs are
high, it might not be met by one company. We have to work with

Stating that Biman will make profit in the next year as well, he
said, “We expect to earn Tk1,200 crore in the current financial
year from cargo alone. All in all, Biman will see profit in the future
as it has for the past few years.”

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